Chorez, 1625
Chorez, D. untitled manuscript Arrow right Arrow left

photo - whole telescope
Basic Info

Maker: Chorez

Year: 1625

Year Range: -

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Signature Notes:


No stand present.

Collection: Chorez, D. untitled manuscript

Accession #:


Disney, Hill, and Baker, eds., Origin and Development of the Microscope (London: 1928), p. 100, fig. 20. This book references p. 474 of Bull. di Bibliog. e di Storia dell Scienze, etc., published by B. Boncompagni, vol xiii (1880).

Public Notes:

From Disney, Hill, and Baker: "Professor Govi also found in the National Library at Paris another MS. in which D. Chorez... in 1625 petitioned the King to favour him by accepting certain "lunettes d'approche" which were improved models of one His Majesty had graciously accepted from the same donor some five years before. The MS. contains a clear outline diagram, slightly shaded, of the gift, which seems to have really consisted of a set of fine "lunettes," two of them being combined into a binocular fitted with an inter-ocular adjustment..... The long instrument, No. 1, was a telescope adapted for viewing very distant objects. Its lenses, a concave ocular and a convex objective, are shown detached... Instruments Nos. 2 and 3 were also telescopes... In No. 4 we have two telescopes combined into one frame..." (pp. 99-100)

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Optical Basics

Objective type: unconfirmed

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Optical/Lab Data

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